Autor Alex Antonov
Categorie De specialitate
Subcategorie Calculatoare / IT

Chapter 1, Getting Started with Spring Boot, provides you with an overview of the important and useful Spring Boot starters that are included in the framework. You will learn how to use the resources, how to get started with a simple project, configure the build file to contain your desired starters, and finish by creating a simple command-line application configured to execute some scheduled tasks. Chapter 2, Configuring Web Application, provides you with examples of how to create and add the custom ServletFilters, Interceptors, Converters, Formatters and PropertyEditors to a Spring Boot web application. It will start by creating a new web application and proceed to use it as a base to customize with the above mentioned components. Chapter 3, Web Framework Behavior Tuning, delves into fine-tuning the behavior of a web application. It will cover configuring the custom routing rules and patterns, adding additional static asset paths, and adding and modifying the servlet container connectors and other properties such as enabling SSL.
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