Titlu The Last Photo

Autor Bernard Smith
Categorie Dezvoltare personală
Subcategorie Limba Engleză


Invata engleza citind, nivelul recomandat A1 Starter.

It is Saturday afternoon. Martin and his sister Pam are in Cambridge for the day. They are looking at the beautiful old buildings of this University City. Pam has a camera with her. She likes taking photos and sometimes they are very good. But sometimes they are not very good and Martin laughs at them. It is five o'clock. Pam and Martin are going home now. They are tired after their long day. They are in the garden near the bus station. "Let's have the last photo of you," says Pam. "Oh no, not again," says Martin. "Come on," says Pam. "It's the last one, I want to finish the film in my camera." "Oh, all right," says Martin, He stands in front of the flowers. "Look at me," says Pam and takes a photo. A man with a big rucksack on his back walks between Pam and Martin. "Oh no," says Pam. "Now I've got a picture of that man, not of you, Martin." The man looks at Pam. He is angry. He goes across the road without a word. "That man isn't very nice, is he?" says Martin. "No," says Pam. "And that was the last picture of the film, too."