Titlu The Yellow Face

Autor Conan Doyle
Categorie Dezvoltare personală
Subcategorie Limba Engleză


Sherlock Holmes did not like aimless physical exercise, but one spring day I persuaded him to go for a walk with me in the park. We walked for two hours, and it was almost five when we returned to Baker Street. 'I beg your pardon, sir,' said our page-boy, as we entered, 'there was a man waiting for you. He was a very restless gentleman. He walked all around the room saying, "Isn't Mr Holmes going to return?" Finally he left.' 'You see,' Holmes said to me, 'I needed a case, and now I have lost this one because we went for a walk in the park.' 'Hullo! That's not your pipe on the table. Well, that man must have a very big problem because he left his pipe. It is obvious that he likes this particular pipe very much.' 'How do you know that he likes it very much?' I asked. 'Well,' explained Holmes, 'I think this pipe costs around seven-andsixpence. Now. look it has been mended twice with silver bands that probably cost more than the pipe itself. So, this man must like his pipe very much if he prefers to mend it instead of buying a new one with the same money.' Just then, as Holmes was talking, we heard someone walking up the stairs, and then a man walked into the room without knocking. 'I beg your pardon,' said the man, 'I should have knocked, but I am very upset, and I need help.' The man then took off his hat, and sat down on a chair. 'My dear Mr Grant Munro...' began Holmes. Our visitor jumped from his chair. 'What!' he cried. 'You know my name?