Titlu The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor

Autor Victoria Bradshaw
Categorie Dezvoltare personală
Subcategorie Limba Engleză


Invata engleza citind, nivelul recomandat A2 Elementary. 


There was once a sailor from Baghdad called Sindbad. He made seven long voyages in his life. They were all full of adventures. He met many strange people and saw many strange things. When he was old, he liked telling people about his adventures and they liked listening. This is the story of his second voyage. 'When I returned home from my first voyage, I lived a comfortable life in the city for some years. Then I began to get bored. I dreamt of sailing the seas again. I wanted new adventures. One morning I packed my chest and travelled to the port of Basra. 'There was a good, strong ship in the harbor and it was ready to sail. I got on it. We travelled from port to port and from island to island. The other passengers on the ship were merchants and, when we stopped, they bought and sold things. Soon I began to do the same. Weeks and months passed pleasantly but without adventure. 'Then one day the wind took our ship to a strange and beautiful island. There were trees with delicious fruit, flowers of many colors, and streams of sweet water. The air was full of the songs of birds, but there weren't any people. The other passengers started to explore the island. I was tired so I sat under a tree. I ate some of the delicious fruit from the trees and drank some of the sweet water from the streams. Then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I looked around. I was alone on the island! I looked out to sea and saw my ship on the horizon. I began to feel afraid. "Oh, poor me!" I said. "What shall I do now?" 'I walked around the island for an hour or more. Then I climbed a tall tree. "I can get a better view of the island from the top of a tree," I thought. I looked left and right but I saw only trees, flowers, birds, the sea and the sky. Then I looked more carefully. There was a big, white object in the distance. I decided to go and have a look at it.