Titlu Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

Autor Nir Eyal
Categorie Dezvoltare personală
Subcategorie Limba Engleză


Download Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by  Nir Eyal free PDF.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal is an essential guide for anyone looking to understand the intricacies of creating products that captivate users and become integral parts of their daily routines. Eyal, a renowned expert in behavioral design, combines insights from psychology, neuroscience, and business to present a compelling framework for building habit-forming products.

At the heart of the book is the "Hook Model," a four-step process that Eyal believes is critical to creating products that users can't put down. The four steps are Trigger, Action, Variable Reward, and Investment. By understanding and implementing these steps, businesses can design products that not only attract users but also retain them over the long term.


The first step in the Hook Model is the Trigger, which prompts users to take action. Triggers can be external, such as notifications, emails, or advertisements, or internal, stemming from users' emotions, routines, or needs. Eyal emphasizes the importance of understanding users' pain points and desires to effectively create triggers that prompt them to engage with a product. He provides detailed strategies for identifying and leveraging both types of triggers to initiate the habit loop.


The second step is Action, the behavior that the user performs in anticipation of a reward. Eyal explains that for an action to occur, there must be sufficient motivation and ability. He delves into the psychological principles that drive user motivation, such as seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, seeking hope, and avoiding fear. Additionally, he discusses how to simplify the user experience to make the desired action as easy as possible. Eyal uses examples from successful companies to illustrate how they have optimized their products to encourage user actions seamlessly.

Variable Reward

The third step is Variable Reward, which is critical for maintaining user engagement. Eyal draws on B.F. Skinner's research on operant conditioning to explain how unpredictable rewards can create addictive behaviors. He categorizes rewards into three types: rewards of the tribe (social rewards), rewards of the hunt (material rewards), and rewards of the self (intrinsic rewards). By incorporating variable rewards into products, businesses can keep users returning, driven by the anticipation of what they might receive next.


The final step is Investment, where users put something of value into the product, increasing their commitment to it. This could be time, effort, personal data, or money. Eyal explains that investments increase the likelihood of users returning to the product in the future, as they have a personal stake in its success. He highlights how investments can be designed to improve the product's value and create a virtuous cycle of engagement.

Throughout the book, Eyal supports his concepts with real-world examples from companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. He examines how these companies have successfully implemented the Hook Model to build products that millions of users habitually engage with. Additionally, the book includes practical exercises and case studies, enabling readers to apply the Hook Model to their own products.

Eyal also addresses the ethical considerations of designing habit-forming products. He encourages designers to create products that improve users' lives rather than exploit their vulnerabilities. He advocates for the responsible use of behavioral design techniques to foster positive habits and enhance user well-being.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs, product designers, marketers, and anyone interested in understanding the mechanics of habit formation in the digital age. By providing a clear and actionable framework, Eyal empowers readers to create products that not only captivate users but also provide lasting value.