Titlu Guide to Your Baby’s First Year

Autor Mayo Clinic
Categorie Dezvoltare personală
Subcategorie Parenting


Congratulations! You are now entering one of the greatest phases of your life — parenthood. There is perhaps nothing in life more special than the bond that forms between a parent and a child. It’s a relationship that will bring endless years of joy, laughter, admiration and satisfaction. The time you spend raising your children will be time that you will cherish forever. In the years to come, you’ll learn more about attachment, love and protectiveness than you ever thought possible. But be prepared that not every day in your parenthood journey will be grand and glorious. Like everything else in life, there will be ups and downs.

You may find that some of the more stressful and exhausting days of being a parent will come early on, when you first bring your new son or daughter home. Bringing a baby into your house can literally turn your life upside down. The routine you once knew — having time to yourself, getting together with friends, going out for a relaxing dinner or spending the day indulging in your favourite hobby — has been put on hold. In its place is a reality that may feel totally foreign to you. That’s because children don’t arrive with instruction manuals, and parenting is somewhat of a trial-by-fire experience. If you’ve never had to care for a young child before, you may feel nervous, unsure of yourself and a bit lost. That’s to be expected — and is perfectly normal.

Many parents describe their first year with a new baby as a roller coaster ride. As one new mom put it, “One minute you’re laughing and joking; the next minute you’re crying, not really knowing why.” You may go from adoring your baby and marveling at tiny fingers and toes to grieving your loss of indepen dence and worrying about your ability to care for a newborn, all in the space of a single diaper change.